Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Tamil Nadu Medical Tips Guide Counselling schedule Counseling Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Medical Tips Guide Counselling schedule Counseling Tamil Nadu

    • The counselling will be held at Auditorium, Kilpauk Medical College, Campus, Poonamallee High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010.
    • Individual communications are sent to candidates calling them to appear for counselling.
    • Candidates will be called for counselling in the order of their merit. Based on the merit and communal reservation, allotment to the college chosen by the candidate will be made.
    • Eligible candidates who have applied and whose total marks are as specified or above, may appear for counselling along with their original certificates for verification, irrespective of the receipt of individual communication.
    • One of the Parents or Guardian will be allowed to attend the Counselling. They should make their own arrangements for attending the counselling session.
    • Due to unforeseen reasons, If a candidate could not attend the Counselling on the specified date and time he/she can attend on a subsequent time/date during that Counselling phase and allowed to take the course and college available at the time of Counselling when he/she actually attends. If the candidate is absent during the 1st Phase of counselling, he/she cannot attend the 2nd phase of counselling.

  • Enter the Auditorium, Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai premises with 2 Demand Drafts drawn in favour of Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai Payable at Chennai
    1. Demand Draft for prescribed for MBBS (Tution Fee)
    (for OC/BC/BCM/MBC) Rs.10,500.00
    (for SC/SCA/ST)             Rs.8500.00
    2. Demand Draft for Processing Fee
    (for all category candidates) Rs.500.00
  • Be ready to enter the hall 1 hour before the appointed time. It is better that the outstation candidates who have appointment time in the forenoon, to reach Chennai in the previous day itself to avoid any unforeseen delay in travel.
  • The candidates will be called first to register their attendance in the order of merit. They will be provided a counselling form which should be filled up by the candidate except the column ”for office use only”.
  • After registering their attendance, they will be directed for scrutiny of Original Certificates.
  • Candidates should produce the original certificates required – Counselling call letter; Demand Drafts – 2 nos; HSC Mark sheet or equivalent mark sheet of first appearance; Transfer Certificate; Permanent Community Certificate; Nativity Certificate in the prescribed format (if applicable); Candidates claiming ST status should produce the ST Certificate obtained from the Revenue Development Officer; Special category candidates, should produce certificate in original in the prescribed format.
  • After completion of scrutiny of certificates, candidates have to report to the allotment terminal for selection of colleges.
  • Candidates are advised to view the availability of seats in various colleges and select one on his own choice.
  • After confirming the selection of college, OK option will be entered in the Computer for confirmation of allotment and the same should be entered by the candidate in the counselling form.
  • Option once exercised is final and cannot be changed later.
  • Once the candidate has opted for confirmation of college and left the computer terminal, he/she will not be allowed to reconsider the option.
  • At the allotment table, the candidate should handover the counselling form to the Secretary or Deputy Directors concerned for authentification of allotment.
  • Candidate then approach the bank counter to produce the 2 Demand Drafts (name of candidate with register number of HSc examination and the college selected should be written on the backside of Demand Draft) to receive the allotment order.
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